
Iran Makes Shocking Announcement

Tensions between Israel and Hamas have continued to escalate as the war has now been raging on for over a month. The attack by terrorist group Hamas has resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis as well as the kidnapping of hundreds of civilians.

Iran has traditionally supported and funded Hamas to carry out its will, as well as other terror groups throughout the Middle East. However, Iran recently announced they would not be joining forces with Hamas in their fight against Israel.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Ismail Haniyeh last month that even though Iran would continue to offer moral support, it would not join directly in the conflict against Israel. This decision came after Haniyeh was pressured by Khamenei to suppress Palestinian calls for Iran and Hezbollah (one of its proxy terror groups) to fully join forces with them.

Hamas has been pressuring its Iranian-backed allies to aid in their fight against Israel since October 7th but Hezbollah has refused to get involved directly, only engaging in small skirmishes with Israeli Defense Forces along the border between Lebanon and Israel instead.

Proxy groups located throughout Syria and Iraq have launched at least 46 attacks against U.S. allied targets since these initial terrorist attacks occurred so there are concerns about how this conflict may continue evolving for both sides if tensions remain high and a resolution cannot be found soon.

The Biden administration has urged both sides to take a “pause” in order for more hostages can be released safely as well as humanitarian aid delivered safely into Gaza City so that civilians living there need not suffer due to this ongoing conflict any longer than necessary.

Both sides have yet to reach an agreement on this matter but hopefully some progress can be made soon before further casualties occur or more destruction becomes inevitable due to continued violence resulting from this long-standing issue between two nations struggling for control of one land.

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