
Joe Biden’s Epic Meltdown in Front of Everyone

The strain of the Afghanistan debacle is clearly taking its toll on the already overtaxed and age-diminished mental capacity of Joe Biden. During a press conference on August 22nd, this was evidenced in a near-complete meltdown from a visibly flustered Biden. He obtusely framed answers in a fashion that completely avoided their true intent and even obliquely attacked the mainstream media who’ve devotedly protected his administration even before he took office.

The 78-year-old career politician’s extremely public mishandling of the crisis and subsequent outbursts have only fueled a growing perception that he is unfit to hold office. According to The New York Post, “Fewer than 40 percent of likely voters believe Joe Biden is carrying out the duties of the presidency, according to a poll released Friday as the US evacuation of Afghanistan continues to spiral out of control.”

The poll from Rasmussen shows that,

“Only 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden is really doing the job of president – that’s down from 47% in March. A majority of voter (51%) now say others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. Another 10% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Biden’s Meltdown In Front Of The World

CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe asked if Biden “trusted” the Taliban in negotiations.

“I don’t trust anybody including you. I love you but there’s not a lot of people I trust,” Biden said.

“Look, the Taliban has a — Taliban has to make a fundamental decision. Is the Taliban going to attempt to be able to unite and provide for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan, which no one group has ever done since before — for hundreds of years? And if it does, it’s going to need everything from additional help in terms of economic assistance, trade, and a whole range of things,” he added.

Then O’Keefe turned up the heat:

“And then a question on the public response. A new poll, out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it. The poll also found that based in part of what transpired over the last week, a majority of Americans — and forgive me, I’m just the messenger — no longer consider you to be competent, focused, or effective at the job.”

Biden quipped, “I haven’t seen that poll.”

But O’Keefe didn’t let him get away from it,  “It’s out there, from CBS this morning.” 

O’Keefe pressed on “What would you say to those Americans who no longer believe that you are doing the job?”

Biden then embarked on a long rambling tirade that in no way answered O’Keefe’s question.

“Look, I had a basic decision to make: I either withdraw America from a 20-year war that, depending on whose analyses you accept, cost us $150 million a day for 20 years or $300 million a day for 20 years; who — and I — you know I carry this card with me every day — and who — in fact, where we lost 2,448 Americans dead and 20,722 wounded. Either increase the number of forces we’d keep — we keep there and keep that going, or I end the war. And I decided to end the war.”

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