
This Clinton Conspiracy Theory Has BLOWN UP

The bizarre death of Mark Middleton happened in May of 2022 but it took until now for it to be officially declared “suicide.” Another one of those really strange Clinton related deaths got buried under news about the Chinese Spy Balloon. Jeffery Epstein is linked into this one too.

Middleton death ruled suicide

Police weren’t sure exactly what they were dealing with last May but it certainly didn’t look like an ordinary suicide. Former special advisor to Bill Clinton Mark Middleton was definitely deceased. When they arrived at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, they found Middleton hanging from a tree.

He also had a gunshot wound to the chest. There wasn’t any gun. That made them think he’d been hung and shot by someone else. The coroner wasn’t convinced, despite no weapon recovered. Maybe a squirrel ran off with it.

It took a full nine months for the Medical examiner to rule on the cause of death but cops will never forget the “grisly scene” they rolled up on.

The sheriff’s report update, Trending Politics reports, “raises more questions than answers as it rules he died by suicide – despite no sign of the weapon that killed him.

The Sheriff’s report on the 59-year-old’s death was delayed by family members who petitioned a judge to keep it sealed. “They were worried that pictures from the gory scene would be made public.

It was written up by Deputy Jeremy Lawson who got called to the ranch “where an abandoned BMW SUV was found.” A female resident directed him to the scene of the “suicide.

A rope of some type

Lawson was instantly confronted by a woman. “Almost immediately after stepping around the corner of the cottage she started yelling.” He followed her. “Upon reaching the back of the cottage she pointed towards the rear of the property and asked if that was a person.” It might have been but that wasn’t certain.

I could see what at first appeared to be a man sitting near a tree, as my eyes focused better, I could see a rope of some type going from the tree limb to the male.” That would definitely indicate suicide. The only problem was he wasn’t hanging from it, he was on the ground.

As he approached, it was obvious to Lawson that Middleton was dead. It was also obvious that he was shot. “I could see that he had a gunshot wound to the chest.” The rope wasn’t a rope. “He had a knot tied in an extension cord that was around his neck and it was attached to the limb directly above him.

The only thing that was missing to make it an obvious suicide was the gun. If he shot himself in the chest after a failed hanging attempt, it should have been laying right next to the body. It wasn’t and still hasn’t turned up.

Nobody is talking about the days leading up to Middleton’s death but coincidentally, when he was a special advisor to Bill Clinton in the 1990s, he happens to be the one who signedJeffrey Epstein into the White House on seven of the 17 times” that Epstein dropped in.

Middleton was also a frequent flier on “Epstein’s jet, nicknamed the ‘Lolita Express” Until his strange suicide, Middleton was leading a quiet life “working for his family’s HVAC business in Little Rock.

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