
Woman Accused Police Officer of ‘Racist’ Traffic Stop, Then Bodycam Footage was Released

A South Carolina woman was pulled over for speeding down a rural road in Brunswick County, Virginia and unluckily for her, the officer felt she was due a ticket for not obeying the law.

The unidentified officer pulled over Dawn Hilton-Williams after she was caught going 70 mph in a 55-mph zone and was expecting a typical traffic stop.

After checking her license and registration and informing her that she was going 15 mph over the speed limit, the officer explained to her that she had the option of paying a ticket or attending a court summons.

Shockingly, right after the traffic stop, Hilton-Williams took to social media claiming the experience was “racist” and nearly deadly.

“I was just bullied by a racist cop, who threatened to pull me out of the car,” stated Hilton-Williams in the 11-minute long Facebook video. “This is where we got lynched. This is where we got lynched, even in today’s day.”

She continued on:

“I mean pulling you out of a car doesn’t seem like a big deal, but when you are African-American and you get pulled out of the car you get shot or you get Tased, or you get Sandra Blanded,” said Hilton-Williams. “I said, ‘I’m not putting my signature on that ticket.’ He said ‘if you don’t sign this ticket, then I’m going to pull you out of the car and I’ll arrest you, and I’ll impound the car.’”

The accusations went viral online and soon Brunswick County Sheriff Brian Roberts received multiple calls blaming him for allowing the racist actions of his officer. This constant harassment caused him to launch his own investigation into what exactly happened.

After reviewing the bodycam footage, Sheriff Roberts released the video for all to see…and unfortunately for her, the video revealed her lies about what actually happened.

“We’ve had dash cams for 10 years and body cams on our persons for about three or four. It’s to protect the public and our agency. This is a fine example. This entire incident was recorded on a body camera and it’s all lies,” said Sheriff Roberts. “This video here, there are things I could go over and critique the officer on, it’s not racial things, it’s not hate things.”

After the footage went public many people who originally supported Hilton-Williams began to accuse her of lying about the interaction. Ultimately, she failed to pay her ticket or appear in court.



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