Level 4 Alert – The U.S. State Department warns DO NOT travel to Ukraine. If you’re unlucky enough to be already there, leave. Book a flight and go. Joe Biden isn’t trying to push Vladimir Putin into a corner or anything but he “suggested” diplomats get their families out of town quick and told the Pentagon to start cutting troop movement orders.
State Department pullout
On Sunday, January 23, the U.S. State Department “ordered” the families of diplomats to “evacuate the U.S. embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine.”
Joe Biden is taunting Vlad Putin to, “go ahead, make my day.” Along with the evacuation order, the department also issued a “Level 4 – DO NOT TRAVEL” advisory “for both Ukraine and Russia.” Don’t even think about it, they advise.
The first of two advisory bulletins issued by the State Department spelled out that “U.S. citizens in Ukraine should be aware that Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine would severely impact the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide consular services, including assistance to U.S. citizens in departing Ukraine.”
— US Military News Alerts Today – January, 2022 (@Military_Alerts) January 24, 2022
That means, “get while the getting is good.” You don’t want to end up looking like a refugee in Kabul.
Russia put out a matching advisory of their own that boils down to “keep out and no trespassing.” Russia’s version of a State Department warns you might be lynched by the locals.
“Do not travel to Russia due to ongoing tension along the border with Ukraine, the potential for harassment against U.S. citizens, the embassy’s limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia, COVID-19 and related entry restrictions, terrorism, harassment by Russian government security officials, and the arbitrary enforcement of local law.”
BREAKING: US orders families of Kyiv embassy staffers to depart Ukraine; non-essential staff told they can leave – AP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 23, 2022
Situation ‘unpredictable’
You may have loved ones to visit in the Baltic but now isn’t the time for family reunions anywhere near Ukraine. “Due to Russia’s heightened military presence and ongoing military exercises along the border region with Ukraine,” the Russians remind, “U.S. citizens located in or considering travel to the districts of the Russian Federation immediately bordering Ukraine should be aware that the situation along the border is unpredictable and there is heightened tension.”
Joe is poking a tiger with a stick and it’s about to do more than growl about it. The State Department is frantically trying to find Antony “Blinky” Blinken for some of the same expert guidance he used in Afghanistan. “He’s around here somewhere,” staffers are rumored to insist.
“Given the on-going volatility of the situation, U.S. citizens are strongly advised against traveling by land from Russia to Ukraine through this region.” The State Department is well aware that many of the residents in the disputed territory side with Russia.
From State Dept call: “Given that the President has said military action by Russia could come at any time. The US government will not be in a position to evacuate US citizens. So US citizens, currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.” Arrange commercial flights.
— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) January 24, 2022
That means “harassment towards foreigners, including through regulations targeted specifically against foreigners.” They plan to make up rules as they go along so they can bust Americans for them. Kind of like tourists run into when venturing south of the border in Mexico. The more you might have in your pockets, the more serious the charge.
The last thing the State Department wants to see are Kabul like images of yet another Saigon moment.
“Given that the President has said military action by Russia could come at any time. The US government will not be in a position to evacuate US citizens. So US citizens, currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.” Don’t rely on government transportation either, “arrange commercial flights,” Jennifer Griffin tweeted.