The citizens of the United States are extremely disinclined to pay $26 for a book about the life of Joe Biden’s leading caretaker and handler. Politico writes that a recently published biography of Doctor Jill Biden, Ed.D, marketed merely 250 copies in its 1st week of sales.
The Politico article, which records the qualified stress of White House correspondents who discover it “boring and difficult” to cover with an administration whose policies they wholeheartedly support, reflects in the poor sales of jill: A Biography of the First Lady by AP media reporters Julie Speed and Darlene Superville as an example of why journalists are actually, therefore, bummed out since a Democrat is in charge.
Writing a book regarding past President Donald Trump was a far more lucrative venture, and also covering his administration was a greatly thrilling adventure for the journalists that, in their warped, distorted view, were actually “saving democracy.” As Alexander Nazaryan, writer of he Best People: Trump’s Cabinet and the Siege on Washington, explained in 2021: “Covering the administration was thrilling for many journalists, in the way that I imagine storming Omaha Beach must have been for a 20-year-old fresh from the plains of Kansas. He hadn’t signed up for battle, but there he was, liberating France.”
They’ll certainly never confess openly, yet America’s reporters are absolutely desperate for Donald Trump to run once more in 2024. Biden’s is sure to be a monotonous administration, and in comparison to Trump, he definitely has been actually. Given that they will never report an ill word of him or his disastrous policies. That’s definitely a very low bar to clear. One might think a president that press reporters find so “boring and also difficult” to deal with would likely be very popular. He is certainly not, at least one of ordinary Americans. Media reporters are actually merely much less prone to “speak truth to power” when a Democrat is head of state.
This was of course brilliantly reflected in the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which far from the playfully adversarial roast of the Reagan days when opposing parties could trade good-natured jibes at one another in an expression of self-deprecating humor… 2022’s was simply a sad, self-congratulatory display of the left’s utter delusion, and Biden’s utter incapacity.
H/T The Washington Free Beacon