This Version Of A Classic 9/11 Commercial Only Aired Once And We Found It [VIDEO]

One of the most powerful TV commercials to ever be produced…and it aired only once.

The commercial in question originally aired on February 3, 2002 during the Super Bowl.

Only months after the horrifying 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S., Budweiser took an unexpected turn on their typically lighthearted commercials to air an emotional tribute to the fallen victims of 9/11.

Fast forward to present day and the company tweeted the rare ad which shows their Clydesdale horses kneeling at the helm of the World Trade Centers.

The major beer company tweeted:

“20 years later, we’ll never forget. Budweiser is proud to partner with the 9/11 Memorial & Museum to support their mission of remembering the victims and educating a new generation. Learn more at” 

In order to make the commercial, Anheuser-Busch’s creative team had to receive approval from Congress, the advertising community, as well as New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani.

Former executive vice president of Anheuser-Busch Global Creative, Bob Lachky, stated:

“We filmed in New York City. We had a helicopter going over the Brooklyn Bridge. Mayor Giuliani let us into the city — the only film company of any sort right after 9-11. To actually come into air space with our helicopter to film the Clydesdale … the hitch coming into Battery Park and it was amazing, just amazing.”

“AWM” shared some of the online comments:

An updated version of the ad aired on September 11, 2011, on the tenth anniversary of the attacks.

Those who have weighed in with comments on the original commercial on YouTube were understandably moved by the ad, with notes that included:

“They really should air this EVERY 9/11 without editing a single thing!,” “Still brings tears to my eyes,” and “We must NEVER forget! How touching. I’m sitting here crying at my desk right now.”

Others shared their experiences and memories from the attack, with one commenter noting:

“I still can’t get past it. I lost so many friends that terrible day. It stays with me like a sickness…each year come August, it starts to creep into my consciousness…and doesn’t leave until a week after the day. Thank you Budweiser for this moving tribute… Please everyone, take a moment, remember those lost, and those fallen from the FDNY/NYPD who so bravely faced certain death, to try and save others.”

Still another person offered their personal experience of being there when the commercial was filmed, sharing:

“I was there when the final scenes were filmed. Not a dry eye in the bunch of us. Some of us, whom lost friends and/or loved ones were so blown away by the tribute that one gent began having difficulty breathing. He was better after a little O2 and later a Bud light.”


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