
Soap Star Sues ABC over Vaccination Mandates Claims Body Belongs to God

Ingo Rademacher has played the character of Jasper “Jax” Jacks on the daytime Soap Opera, General Hospital, for more than two decades. He is now going to war with ABC, over his own body after being fired in November.

Rademacher has filed a lawsuit claiming that ABC has violated his civil rights. The actor was fired on Nov. 5 after submitting a religious exemption to the productions on set vaccination mandates.

Who Does Your Body Belong Too?

 Rolling Stone obtained a copy of his exemption request letter which was attached to the complaint. It reads: 

“I am entitled to a religious exemption against mandatory vaccination for Covid-19 on the basis of my deeply and sincerely held moral belief that my body is endowed by my creator with natural processes to protect me and that its integrity cannot ethically be violated by the administration of artificially created copies of genetic material, foreign to nature and experimental.”

Ingo Rademacher is not the only one who has refused to comply with General Hospital‘s mandates for actors on set. Fellow actor Steve Burton, who played Jason Morgan, has also announced on his Instagram that he has been let go due to his refusal to be vaccinated.

Comply Or Be Canceled

Unfortunately for many sacrifices must be made if one doesn’t wish to comply with the mob of vaccination bullies. For some, like Rademacher and Burton, it has come with the loss of their jobs. In a Leftist worshipping industry like Hollywood, it may even be their whole career in front of the cameras.

Now is the time that we must contemplate just how far we are willing to go to maintain our freedoms. How uncomfortable are we willing to be to live out what we believe? Job loss may be a result of your beliefs. Are you willing to take the chance?



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