A thirty-six-year-old transgendered pornography creator going by the name: “Chloe Corrupt” has vowed to raise funds in order to secure the release of an Antifa terrorist arrested in Los Angeles charged in connection to the attempted murder of a Hispanic man amidst rioting there. Chloe being the braggadocious sort enjoys extolling the virtues of their “girl dick” to Twitter and has been previously “permanently” suspended on the platform, though strangely: unlike many banned conservatives has been able to rejoin the social network.
Chloe has promised to share pornographic content to donors who give to the Cash App campaign of Eric Louis “Nina” Cohen, accused of stabbing a man in the chest on August 14th outside LA City Hall. According to media reports, Cohen’s victim suffered a lacerated heart and punctured lung.
Chloe Tweeted, “Nina put her body on the line protecting our community from violent fascists. It’s time that we repay that debt. Please give what you can. Let’s get her free.” Adding the offer: “Anyone who shows me proof that they’ve given $20 or more gets a full-length video for free from me.”
According to The Post Millennial,
“The 30-year-old was filmed on camera having blonde hair but at the time of her arrest last week, she had dyed her hair to dark purple. She was originally charged with attempted murder by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and held on a $1 million bail but this was later downgraded to assault with a deadly weapon. Her bail is currently set at only $60,000.”
While the Longbeach Anarchist Collective claimed that Cohen was “in danger” and “facing violence” and inferred that they were likely to be subjected to rape, harassment, or sexual assault, the LA Times reported that the LAPD had already accounted for this issue.
“Officer Mike Lopez, an LAPD spokesman, said Saturday that Cohen was asked about her gender identity during the intake process and, at least while in LAPD custody, was segregated from the general male population in line with department guidelines for transgender detainees.
Lopez said the Sheriff’s Department would have been made aware of how Cohen identified when she was transferred to county custody. The sheriff’s office did not respond Saturday to questions about where Cohen will be held beyond the reception center.”
Please read
Let’s get Nina out of jail pic.twitter.com/3znkgBxijK— Long Beach Anarchist Collective (@AnarchistLB) September 5, 2021
Disturbing Update: Domestic Terrorist Released
As of this report, the gambit appears to have been successful and the violent Antifa criminal is back on the streets. Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngô initially reported, “Update: Eric Louis “Nina” Cohen, the transsexual Antifa member who was charged with attempted murder, had her charge and bail downgraded. She’s now charged with assault with a deadly weapon & her bail is $60,000, not $1 m. Antifa are using @CashSupport to fundraise for her.”
Less than twenty-four hours later Ngô followed up,
“Breaking: Eric Louis “Nina” Cohen, the Antifa stabbing suspect, has been released from jail in Los Angeles after paying bail. She’s accused of nearly killing a Latino man with a knife. Antifa used @CashSupport to fundraise more than what was needed for bail.: