Facebook ‘Fact-Checkers’ Panic, Call Emergency Meeting

Facebook ‘Fact-Checkers’ Panic, Call Emergency Meeting

Far-left so-called “fact-checkers” are absolutely freaking out after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that he would be eliminating the current fact-checking system on his social media platforms, which will cut off funding to these radical leftist organizations.

An emergency meeting was called by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) — which includes far-left propaganda outlets like PolitiFact and MediaWise — “specifically” because of Zuckerberg’s announcement, according to Business Insider.

“This program has been a major part of the global fact-checking community’s work for years,” IFCN’s director Angie Holan claimed. “People are upset because they saw themselves as partners in good standing with Meta, doing important work to make the platform more accurate and reliable.”

Apparently, Zuckerberg didn’t exactly warn this group and its employees, as one PolitiFact employee told Business Insider that they “found out this morning at the same time as everyone else” about Meta canceling the partnership with the so-called “fact-checking” organizations.

Zuckerberg made the announcement in a video posted to social media on Tuesday, where he revealed that Meta and its platforms would no longer be censoring conservatives’ speech — noting that the company would no longer be working with third-party fact-checkers, would be eliminating restrictions on discussions about issues like gender and immigration, and would be scaling back on filters that censor harmless content. The Meta CEO further claimed that the company would be embracing free speech after President-elect Donald Trump’s landslide election victory signaled a “cultural tipping point.”

Meta’s partnership with the far-left fact-checking sites began back in 2016 after Trump won his first election. As soon as the so-called “fact-checking” began, conservative news sites immediately saw a suppression of their content for supposed “misinformation” — almost all of which turned out to be true information that was inconvenient for Democrats and contrary to the mainstream media narrative.

Prior to the partnership, The Daily Wire was “literally the number one informational source on Facebook before the censorship regime decreased our reach by fully 90%,” according to Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro.

The Babylon Bee was especially hard hit by the censorship, with the radical leftist “fact-checkers” making ridiculous decisions to “fact-check” their satire articles.

Responding to Zuckerberg’s announcement, Babylon Bee owner Seth Dillon noted: “Fact checking almost killed The Babylon Bee. So many of our jokes were rated ‘false’ that the media began to characterize us as ‘traffickers in misinformation under the guise of satire.’ Ironically, that was misinformation. Fact checking safeguards narratives, not truth.”

Meanwhile, IFCN director Angie Holan is trying to lay the blame solely on Facebook for her organization’s censorship, claiming: “It was never about censorship but about adding context to prevent false claims from going viral.”

However, Facebook’s decision to censor posts was based on the ratings from her bogus fact-checkers.

She went on to explain that the IFCN’s operations will have to downsize now that Meta is not using their services anymore.

“The IFCN was here before Meta’s program, and we’ll be here after it,” Holan claimed. “We may look different in size and scope, but we’ll continue promoting the highest standards in fact-checking and connecting organizations that want to collaborate worldwide.”

“We’re here to help them figure out the best way forward,” she added.

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