The Great Honk-ening of the Freedom Convoy arrived in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand which has suffered under some of the strictest lockdowns in the world at the order of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. According to reports from CTVNews, the generally unmasked protestors drove in from all over the island nation and their vehicles clogged the roads of central Wellington near Parliament where Members were returning from break.
Ardern chose to ignore the protestors and carry on with her scheduled speech, blowing off her concerned citizens entirely, which is not out of character for the kiwi despot who has advocated for the segregation of societies into those who submitted to the COVID ‘vaccine’ and a permanent underclass of those who haven’t.
Mixed Reports Of The New Zealand Freedom Convoy
CTVNews reported that the several hundred protestors were asked by organizers to wrap up the protest there by 5 PM local time so as not to interfere with Wellington’s commuter traffic. The Wellington Council also indicated that they were hesitant to issue tickets or order the motorists to move posting to social media, “We must consider the safety of our staff and do not want to put them in harm’s way.”
New Zealand’s freedom convoy ❤️ it!! #Truckersforfreedom2022 #EndAllmandates #Cdnmediafailed
— J (@JJcitygirl) February 8, 2022
The Daily Mail described the protest in more detail,
“Hundreds of cars, trucks and motorbikes carrying thousands of people drove from across the country and converged in Wellington on Tuesday morning to protests against Jacinda Ardern‘s hardline pandemic policies.
Traffic slowed to a crawl as vehicles blocked roads around parliament and in other key locations, before taking to the streets to wave banners and placards demanding the return of freedoms, denouncing vaccine mandates, and attacking the Labour prime minister.
Crowds of hundreds then gathered in front of parliament to hear speakers and shout slogans, with some pitching tents and vowing to remain for the ‘long haul’. Ms Ardern said she has no intention of engaging with them.”
Prime Minister Ardern in an evident display of disdain for the New Zealand protestors defended her government’s actions and even praised them for helping “cushion the blow to the economy, leading to record-low unemployment and strong GDP growth”