Out of the public view, a criminal investigation by the IRS targeting Joe Biden’s son and brother, Hunter and James Biden has been steadily closing in on the corrupt criminal family since at least May 2019. Breitbart News has released a confidential subpoena that was served JPMorgan-Chase Bank that listed both Bidens in addition to known accomplices Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin and referred to their business holdings in Rosemont Seneca, implicated in a scandal with Chinese Communist Party owned companies and Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company at the center of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s firing at Joe Biden’s demand. The probe appears to be extensive, with the Bidens at the center of it all.
The Bidens’ Bank Is COMMANDED To Provide Evidence For IRS Criminal Probe
Breitbart noted a startling item in the document as well,
“The document, obtained by Breitbart News, specifically demands information on related transactions between JPMorgan Chase Bank, which the document calls “correspondent bank,” and the Bank of China, which the document calls the “originating or beneficiary bank.”
The Bank of China, as the name implies is 64.63% owned by the Chinese Communist Government via the Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd. Plain and simply, the Biden family is embroiled in a scandal and federal investigation that links them directly to the Chinese Communist Party.
In the text of the legal document, JP Morgan Chase is told,
“YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in this United States district court at the time, date, and place to testify before the court’s grand jury, When you arrive, you must remain at the court until a judge or a court officer allows you to leave”
“You must also bring with you the following documents, electronically stored information, or objects” the document continues, and indicates “Attachment A” a listing of the records the investigation requires. Specifically,
“PRODUCE THE FOLLOWING: All records, documents, and accounts pertaining to all financial/banking transactions with the following known name(s), and/or accounts. However, when conducting your search, please do not limit your scope to only the known account(s) listed below; unknown, associated, signatory, or closed accounts are also requested.” It goes on to name Robert Hunter Biden, James Biden, Devon Archer, and Eric Schwerin, and the businesses: Owasco, Skaneateles, RSP Holdings, RSP Investments, RSTP II Alpha, RSTP II Bravo, Seneca Global Advisors, Aqaba International, Rosemont Seneca, Burisma Holdings, Bohai Harvest RST Shanghai Equity, Robinson Walker, Hudson West, European Energy and Infras Group Limited, Bladen Enterprises Limited.
In multiple places throughout the legal document, a single particular order pervades the proceeding,
“Do not disclose the existence of this subpoena to the individual or any third party.”
David Weiss, the US Attorney for Delaware even accompanied it with a letter that reminds the bank that federal law “makes it a federal crime for ‘an officer of a financial institution’ to notify either ‘directly or indirectly…. (A) a customer of that financial institution whose records are sought by a grand jury subpoena; or (B) any other person named in that subpoena about the existence or contents of that subpoena or information that has been furnished to the grand jury in response to that subpoena [.]’”
As reported by The GOP Times back in February 2021, James Biden and Hunter Biden’s business dealings were center stage with Joe Biden swearing they wouldn’t have access to the WhiteHouse, but it seems that he was definitely shutting the door, long after the horse bolted. “No one in our family and extended family is going to be involved in any government undertaking or foreign policy. And nobody has an office in this place.” Biden said, but it makes little difference when the corrupt Biden family has been profiting off of the American taxpayer in collusion with our global opponents… for decades.