
PAID IN BLOOD: Answering Democrats’ Insult to The American People

Since Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) began proposing it to every single Congressional session without fail, HR40 has been largely considered a  political joke, albeit one it very poor taste. However, today in the throes of a nation torn apart by our political differences, with cities in flames due to Black Lives Matter rioters and the Biden-Harris regime firmly entrenched, the  joke isn’t funny anymore, its an insult.  The title HR40 is a somewhat less than subtle play on  Civil War Gen. Sherman’s order to grant 40 acres and a mule to freed slaves during the Reconstruction, later reversed by Congress.

This bill and the commission it seeks to create are the ultimate insult to the American people as a whole and Black Americans in particular. For the American people in general it condemns us in historical guilt and demands contrition for the sins of our ancestors. For Black Americans it codifies their victimhood and applies collective insult to any historic injury.

The torch has been passed since Rep. Conyers’ day and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) is now lead sponsor but the bill remains the same old insult to the very notions of American values. It seems when she’s not trying to eradicate our Second Amendment rights, this is what Congresswoman Jackson-Lee does in her spare time…

The stated purpose of Jackson-Lee’s Bill is:

“To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.”

The Only Response to Such An Insult:

In 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders & Fmr. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejected the notion of reparations. I very uncomfortably found myself agreeing with them. The difference is that they used the issue as a political football whereas I reject the notion entirely on these grounds:

There is absolutely no logic behind the notion that anyone born after February 1, 1865 (The date the 13th Amendment entered law) could be legally liable for reparations related to slavery in the United States. 

Consider the following: Only an individual who was alive and had reached responsible age (18) at the time could be considered a legally responsible party to (or even tangentially having benefited from) in the text of the bill:

“The capture and procurement of Africans;

  • If such an individual (born 1/31/1864) were alive today they would be 156 years, 5 months, 14 days old. Allowing for the voting age in 1864 (relaxed to 18 from the previous 21) any individuals born after 1846 were minors and thereby not legally responsible for the action or inaction of elected officials.
  • The oldest person alive today in the United States is Hester Ford, who was born August 15, 1905, fittingly for this argument: in Lancaster, South Carolina, and at 115 years old was fully two generations removed from this age group.

Furthermore, in addition to reparations for slavery itself this farce of a bill states the commission shall investigate and determine the correct reparations for African Americans for events that occurred after the slaves were freed and given citizenship. We’ll take this section point by point:

Simply put, the only people who could potentially be held liable for a Tort have been dead for approximately 50-60 years. From any logical, legal perspective any case would be invalid. While members of the government ergo the people who elected them could have theoretically been held legally liable for Tort against former slaves. They’re all dead. The victims are all dead. The issue is dead. To move forward as a society we cannot exact vengeance from dead men.

The practice of slavery was ended with an atonement in blood, the blood of 600 thousand people lost in the American Civil War. Was that price along with fifty years of affirmative action insufficient penance on a national scale for this sin? This is a slap in the face to the honored dead, an insult of the highest order.

Furthermore and a bit closer to home, I like many Americans and very many millennial Americans am descended from families who emigrated to the United States long after the South’s guns fell silent. This begs the question: if neither I, nor my ancestors took any part in, nor benefitted from the slavery and oppression of the African people in the American South from between 1619 and 1865, than what would possibly entitle any of their descendants to my hard earned money?

The root concept of this brazen redistribution of wealth is fundamentally flawed, patently an insult and a thoroughly disgraceful. It is a thinly veiled attempt at theft on a massive scale. Representative Jackson-Lee has shown behavior completely unbecoming a United States Congresswoman, and the fact that her travesty of a bill has been proposed yearly since it was first introduced in 1989 with no repercussions is the most damning part of all. Redistribution of Wealth is Theft by Government fiat, and Reparations for slavery are an insult and a farce.

Speaking of Reparations…

Now, since we’re talking about reparations and descendants can’t be held liable for the sins of their forefathers, how about we discuss how much money Black Lives Matter and Antifa will be forced to pay for all the cities, businesses and lives they’ve taken and burned?

Author’s Note: This is Op-Ed is an expansion on my previous 2017 piece on HR40 at that time which can be found on for the record: I am not an attorney nor do I possess any law degrees, this is just common sense. In a civilized society: a child is not held responsible for the sins of the father, nor should we Americans bear the guilt of our forebears long dead. Such efforts to avenge the past sins of every nation only leaves an empty, silent world bathed in blood. For no civilization is without sin.

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