
Ron DeSantis Issues Bold Warning for Biden

He’s not real sure what, but conservative Governor Ron DeSantis warns Joe Biden he’ll do something. That’s a promise to the voters of Florida. He’s fed up with illegals being dumped in his state, especially the Covid infested ones.

Ron DeSantis is furious

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis angered liberals once again on Thursday, August 26. That’s when he fired a nastygram off to the Imperial Palace “excoriating” Biden and his minions over their “reckless immigration policies.” He’s furious himself.

DeSantis wants the invasion to stop and stop now, demanding “the ‘immediate’ end of ‘unvetted’ illegal immigrants being funneled into his state.”

What Biden’s supposed to be doing is deporting illegal aliens. Instead he’s importing them. Not only that he’s shuffling them off here and there all over America from coast-to-coast. Ron DeSantis wants them off his beaches.

If the palace won’t do the right and legal thing by deporting them, at least stash them somewhere that they’re welcome. Like all those “sanctuary” cities which were the rage under Once and Future President Donald Trump.

“While Floridians are working to ensure that criminal aliens are not released back into our communities,” Ron retorts, “the Department of Homeland Security appears to be hard at work resettling ever-larger numbers of illegal aliens who have no lawful status under federal immigration law from the southwest border to Florida.”

His five-page letter to Palace Homeland Security Minister Alejandro Mayorkas was dripping venom from every letter.

Cease and desist

The dumping of illegal invaders in Florida has to stop now. It’s just shy of a “cease and desist order.” Ron DeSantis considers it more of a request, or else.

“I ask that DHS immediately cease any further resettlement of illegal aliens in Florida and that the aliens instead be removed from the United States or resettled in states that support the administration’s continued flouting of our immigration laws.”

Liberal Democrats look at that and sneer about how deplorably racist the governor is. Ron was ready for that too. Cubans love him. “Floridians welcome responsible immigration that serves the interests of Florida and the American people, but we cannot abide the lawlessness that your department is aiding and abetting on the southwest border.”

It’s not just Mexicans and South Americans wetbacking the border. Nobody knows how many ISIS-K sleeper cells made it in. All we do know is that a whole bunch of them were suspected to have moved through Panama heading north not too many weeks ago.

Just sending the letter wasn’t enough for Ron DeSantis. He also held a press conference to make sure he twisted the knife into Joe and Kamala for their leadership failures.

The Imperial Palace has “refused to fulfill their responsibility to enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress and the resulting influx of unvetted illegal aliens endangers our national security.” Not only that, by ignoring the laws, the palace “undermines the socioeconomic wellbeing of hardworking American citizens.”

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