
Student Fired for Having Conservative Views

Conservative views and colleges don’t seem to mix real well these days. One freedom loving student lost their job on the campus news for daring to voice an opinion not sanctioned by the liberal left. Somebody dropped a dime about Maddison Farris through the “Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tipline.” They’re the good guys.

Student succumbs to pressure

If cramming your brain full of knowledge for four years or longer isn’t difficult enough, conservative students are under extra pressure to conform to the liberal environment. Maddison Farris was editor-in-chief of the student newspaper at Oklahoma State University, the “O’Colly.”

She was “forced to resign after the newspaper staff took issue with her anti-mask mandate opinion column.” Freedom of speech has no place on the Oklahoma State campus.

It all started when the student was “forced to leave her classroom for refusing to wear a mask.” That was bad enough but she committed the unspeakably horrid crime of trying to defend her action in an opinion piece for the paper.

She detailed the event and expressed “her opposition to forced masking on campus.” That should have been the end of it, but it wasn’t.

Farris quickly learned “it is more than a mask. It’s control. It’s control over my choices, desires, and body.” The student is rightfully furious.

“I will not allow any institution to take away my right to decide for myself what is best and to make my own decisions, or to take away the rights and decisions of others.” Her column came out on September 9 with the headline “Enough is Enough.”

Board issues ‘correction’

It only took two days for the spam to hit the fan. That’s when “the rest of the editorial board, excluding Farris, issued a ‘correction.'” Condemning the story they emphasized, it “is not something representing the thoughts and opinions of The O’Colly Media Group.” Okay, fair enough.

They then give lip service to free speech before throwing the deplorable student to the wolves. “As American citizens, we affirm our belief in the First Amendment and the right as journalists to express our personal opinions no matter if our viewpoint is different from those around us.”

As soon as they had that lined up in the word processor for the next edition, they demanded Farris to resign her post on the student paper. She did and made a point while doing it.

“Originally, I requested a letter of termination, but seeing as how I have already been fired in every way except verbal or written, I would like to submit this letter as a product of forced resignation.”

The humble student regrets “that this was the outcome of exercising my First Amendment rights, but even more so, I regret that I have been robbed of the opportunity to learn from my errors and that productive discussion was unable to take place.” Ms. Farris is “disappointed” with the decision.

The Young America’s Foundation “values the students who are brave enough to stand by their opinions despite the unjust consequences, and continues to work hard to ensure the free speech and freedom of expression of all of its students.” They want to hear from you if you have any similar issues.

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