
Another State is Stepping Up Efforts to ‘Stop the Steal’

Lawmakers in Alabama are taking a stand. Even with HR1 making it’s way to the US Senate and threatening to rewrite the American electoral system, Alabama is advancing a law to make “curbside voting” illegal. Another valiant effort to ‘Stop the Steal‘ or at least stop ANOTHER steal.

According to,

“Rep. Matt Simpson, R-Daphne, who handled the bill on the House floor today, said the intent is, in part, to reduce the chance for fraud.”

The Alabama House Republicans sensing the urgency of reinforcing their constituents faith on the sanctity of elections were quick to silence debate from the Democrat minority and force a 74-25 vote. The bill now moves to the Alabama Senate where its passage is a virtual certainty with Republicans holding a commanding 26-8 majority.

“Curbside Voting” Is A Thing?

Curbside voting became a thing due to COVID-19 and became controversial in the 2020 election when a lawsuit from several disabled  and organizations legally challenged the Alabama voting requirements on the grounds that entering a polling place placed people with disabilities or other medical conditions at increased risk for COVID-19 (seriously). Their solution? Curbside voting. This was immediately opposed by Secretary of State John Merrill who was coincidentally the defendant in the case and perhaps believed that voting for the leadership of the free world should require security measures a bit more advanced than ordering a Big Mac. (Yes, I’d like Republicans down the ballot, vote no on all of the budget overrides and new tax proposals a large fry, apple pie and a mountain dew…) reported that “U.S. District Judge Abdul K. Kallon ruled for the plaintiffs. His ruling did not require counties to offer curbside voting but allowed them to do so. The case reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which blocked Kallon’s order for the purposes of the election in November.” The bill introduced by Alabama Rep. Wes Allen will ensure that voting machines can only be placed inside a polling place, and further states that poll workers cannot carry ballots into or out of a polling place.

Dems Angered By Republicans Attempting to Stop Another Steal

Naturally the far-left Democrats are  have begun losing their minds… rep. Merika Coleman said “it was wrong to take away the option of curbside voting.” The capability that’s’ only existed since November 2020…. due to the extenuating (read: completely fabricated) circumstances of COVID19… as if its a fundamental right to vote without leaving your car… seriously.

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