Dancing with the Stars Dancer Lindsay Arnold Posts a Bikini Pic Showing Her Favorite Body Part

Dancing is one of the most physically demanding activities out there, and if you’re a fan of Dancing with the Stars then you know that all of its professional dancers are in peak physical shape.

When they’re not rigorously training for competition, they love to show off their hard work by lounging on the beach in bikinis.

Recently, Lindsay Arnold posted such a picture on her Instagram account which has sparked quite a bit of controversy.

The Provo, Utah native had recently given birth to her daughter via C-section back in November 2020 and she had been posting tons of photos and videos of her postpartum body ever since.

However, it was this particular bikini photo that caused some social media users to criticize Arnold for digitally removing her surgery scar from the image.

In response to these accusations, she took to Instagram to explain why her C-section scar is so important to her.

She wrote: “It is the representation of the thing I am most proud of in my life and that is our sweet Sagey…I seriously want to show my scar to everyone I see cause I think it’s so insane and crazy cool that Sage came out of that little cut in my belly?! I mean, come on, how incredible is that?! What’s also incredible are amazing doctors that make it possible to do a c-section and have the scar be so low it is not even visible in a bikini (I had to pull my suit down low for this) which is why you all are not seeing it in my pics.”

Arnold went on further to state how women’s bodies should be celebrated instead of degraded – something we could all stand behind.

After having received over 100K likes on this post alone, it’s clear people resonate with what she said about self-love being more important than any physical imperfection or flaw – especially when those flaws tell an amazing story like giving birth does.

Moreover, now we’ll have wait until season 29 starts again before we get another chance at seeing Lindsay Arnold grace us with her dance moves.

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