
Movement Against Indoctrination Rapidly Surfaces

Conservative parents, appalled at the racially divisive indoctrination being liberally dispensed in public school classrooms from coast-to-coast, are standing up and fighting back. A movement called Moms For Liberty is focused like a laser “on creating a nation-wide watch-dog network to monitor school boards.” Hopefully this watchdog will have some teeth.

Progressive indoctrination camps

Last year’s radical regime change was an “eye-opening experience” for millions of Americans. Deplorable conservatives are convinced that now is the time to take action against the globalist forces of New World Order evil because later will be far too late. If things aren’t too late already, that is. Already, the unconcealed indoctrination of America’s children in the taxpayer funded brainwashing day camps is spiraling out of control.

Patriots aren’t talking about violence and insurrection, those are Democrat tools. Nationalist Americans desperate to save what’s left of the shredded Constitution are working hard within the system. Coloring inside the lines is part of the rules. Obeying rules is a “symptom of White privilege,” Democrats in places like Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis insist. That’s what all the Antifa® madness is all about. Anarchy means no rules.

Moms For Liberty has nothing against dads or “other stakeholders” according to their official charter, filed in Florida. They picked up 20,000 members so far and have opened 44 separate chapters in 19 states. There are hundreds of applications pending to open similar chapters.

Co-founder Tina Descovich is psyched. She used to serve on a school board herself. Along with the indoctrination issues, MFL is fighting for “liberty and parental rights in education,” across the board. Critical Race Theory is only one front on the battlefield.

There are a whole bunch of similar groups, fighting tooth and nail against political indoctrination in schools. What sets MFL apart is their focus on “cultivating empowered, liberty-minded citizens who share a broader commitment to the principles of the American founding.”

They like to hold events they call “Madison Meetups,” which involve “encouraging community members to meet in living rooms across America to discuss America’s founding documents.”

Organizing the community

Along with fighting the Orwellian indoctrination of America’s youth, Moms For Liberty also “organizes parents and community members to meet to discuss school board policies and proposals.”

They even hold rallies where parents “attend and speak out at local school board meetings.” Gathering together to show solidarity has been an effective approach.

Because “both co-founders, Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice, are former school board members,” they are convinced that their group “has an advantage in understanding the way school boards work, and how parents can best hold them accountable.”

As part of the indoctrination, children are being taught that all White people are inherently racist, sexist and oppressive, whether they know it or not.

Then, there’s the infamous 1619 project. Talk about indoctrination! Forgetting all about the Pilgrims and the Mayflower, which sailed in a year later, they say that America should trace it’s origin to the 1619 arrival of the first slaves imported to Virginia. The whole Revolutionary War thing that happened starting in 1776 has nothing to do with America they say.

Conservative parents call that a load of crap and they are demanding that the schools start teaching the truth. If not, at least the basics of reading and math so the next generation can talk using more than smiley faces and hearts and bridges don’t collapse because the common core math doesn’t add up.

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