Shocking Admission About the FBI

Everybody knows that the FBI is nothing but a tool of the Deep State. Former National Security Adviser Sebastian Gorka had an eye opening experience on the 7th Floor of the J. Edgar Hoover building. For him, it was an epiphany. Top officials with the Federal Bureau of Instigation actually dared to make a shocking admission.

FBI political perversion

Sebastian Gorka is a beloved deplorable Trump supporter who served as National Security Adviser to the administration. Now, he’s making some explosive claims about the FBI. Conservatives shrug it off as “oh, that. We could have told you so.”

Liberals are freaking out because Gorka has clout and there’s a brand new conservative social media platform out there. GETTR doesn’t censor you into oblivion like those other guys.

Recently, Gorka sat down for a casual little interview with Newsmax. He had the attention of the whole studio when he told the world how top bureau leadership viewed the Commander-in-Chief.

He may have been their boss but the Deep State couldn’t stand Donald Trump. They didn’t make it any big secret either. He “was told by top FBI officials on the 7th floor at the Hoover building in Washington, D.C. that the bureau viewed the Trump administration as ‘the enemy.'”

Gorka blames it on Obama loving perverts. “We know that there is a political perversion of the intelligence community by Obama holdovers,” he notes. He “was given a special task, a counter-intelligence task to work on in regard to the Middle East.”

That sounds straightforward enough right? He would need a team and knew some guys. “I wanted to get three of my fellow pupils who were FBI agents detailed out to me at the White House.” According to Gorka, “That should be easy.” It should have taken about two weeks.

Six months later

By the time Gorka got his answer from the FBI, he had forgotten the question. “For six months it didn’t happen. Every week I went back to the HR Department and said, ‘Where are my guys? Where are my agents with the clearances?’ They never arrived.”

Someone who only gives lip service to the Hillary Clinton Fan Club cabal in the bowels of the bureau took pity on the deplorable.

“finally a good guy in the FBI came to me and said the following.” Gorka emphasized they came from a senior” agent. “Sebastian, you need to understand.

You’re never going to get those detailees because the 7th floor of the Hoover Building looks at the Trump Administration as the enemy.” He’s convinced that the witch hunt to come will make Robert Mueller’s Grand Inquisition look mild.

Gorka was floored to think that the “man elected by 64 million Americans is the enemy to the FBI!” Christopher Wray is grinning at the thought of grilling Donald Trump on a witness stand.

Democrats are preparing to haul him in front of their little January 6 commission. They have another one of those investigations going where they already have the result and need material to fill the report up with which proves it.

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