

FBI and Tallahassee police have arrested an Antifa-BLM member and self-described “hardcore leftist” Daniel A. Baker who was plotting to ambush Trump Supporters in Florida’s capitol.

Lawrence Keefe United States Attorney for Northern Florida said,

 “Baker issued a call to arms for like-minded individuals to violently confront protestors gathered at the Florida Capitol this Sunday. He specifically called for others to join him in encircling any protestors and confining them at the Capitol complex using firearms.”

According to the criminal complaint against Baker, he was a member of Antifa, featured in the article “The Fall of The CHOP” and “seemed disappointed in the lack of violent opposition ” when he was at the CHAZ/CHOP. Baker also attended numerous BLM and anti-police protests in Nashville, Tennessee and Seattle, Washington.

An Antifa-BLM Member, Claims He Was Soros Funded

FBI Special Agent Marti who authored the complaint wrote,

On January 8,2021, in response to the protest at the United States Capitol, BAKER posted to his YouTube account a video titled, “Terrorist kidnapping AP journalist.” In the description of the video, BAKER writes “I have acquired a sponsor (Soros, you know, the antifa card was finally approved) and I and my donors will be offering cash rewards for information leading to the verified identification of an and every individual in this video. Don’t worry, I wont (sic) ne (sic) going to the cops. We have decided to handle this ourselves because the dc cops let them in and all cops are infiltrated. There will be no faith in law enforcement until every single department is shut down and replaced by new faces.” BAKER later commented on the video and stated: “Yall better hope the cops find you before we do believe in torturing prisoners for information. Yall better tum yourselves in cuz we dont intend to involve the cops.”

A Soldier Gone AWOL, Joined YPG Fighters In Syria

Conan Daily reports that Baker was a former U.S. Army Airborne infrantryman for one year until he went AWOL in 2007. In 2008 he joined the Green party and was largely unemployed and homeless until 2017 when he joined the People’s Protection Units (YPG) fighting in Syria against the Turkish Government and ISIS. Baker was featured in a VICE produced video according to the complaint,

“As documented in a VICE documentary, BAKER can be seen fighting ISIS or Turkish militants, as shown in a YouTube video. Through documented interviews with FBI Special Agents, BAKER admitted to training members who attended the YPG International Academy on military tactics and defensive tactics. Multiple overseas sources reported that BAKER stated he intended to return to the United States with the intention to lure Turkish pilots training on Unites States military bases off the installation, after which he would kill or mutilate them in furtherance of helping the YPG fight the Turkish government. BAKER returned to the United States in April 2019 from the Middle East. ”

Turned Antifa-BLM Domestic Terrorist

From Baker’s Youtube Videos, a lot has changed from the Syrian battlefield to where he is now. In 2019 after returning from Syria, Baker registered as a Democrat. Conan Daily reported “On October 8, 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified that he was threatening the use of violence in the U.S. and was using social media to recruit and train like-minded individuals in furtherance of his anti-government anti-authority violent extremism ideology.”

According to a DOJ Press Release,

“Baker can be seen in photos and YouTube videos with a variety of firearms, including those with high-capacity magazines. Social media posts also show that he was actively attempting to purchase additional firearms within the last 24-48 hours. A chronological account of Baker’s social media posts, along with additional information about his self-declared attempts to incite violence at past protests, can be found in the affidavit below. ”


Daily Wire reported that,

“Charging documents highlight alleged social media posts from Baker where Baker calls for people to take up arms against President Donald Trump and called for “Trump terrorists” to be corralled “into the Capitol building.”

Rachel L. Rojas, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Jacksonville Division. “We will not tolerate those who seek to wreak havoc in our communities.”

US Attorney Keefe concluded, “Daniel Baker’s actions show that he is a dangerous extremist, and the law-abiding public is safer now that he has been arrested. We are, and will remain, on high alert and will take all appropriate actions against credible threats to the people of our District.”


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