A January 20th Press Release from VoterGA has revealed hard evidence of compromised, improper, or non-existent chain of custody forms in Georgia that rendered almost 107,000 ballot boxes essentially invalid. The VoterGA analysis also concluded that the supposed video coverage of the unmanned ballot drop boxes deployed for the 2020 election was either illegally deleted, knowingly by County officials as was previously reported by The GOP Times or is of such poor quality and low resolution as to be useless in any investigative or evidentiary sense. In other words, the dropbox video cameras served no function except to quiet criticism of the boxes’ total lack of security.
The Chain Of Custody Was Fatally Broken
VoterGA said in their statement,
“The findings are preliminary and the number is expected to increase dramatically as more counties acknowledge they cannot produce oaths for collection team members or, admit they have destroyed surveillance videos in spite of federal and state retention laws that require election records to be retained for about two years.
The findings do not include missing forms that have been previously estimated to grow to approximately 355,000. Further, VoterGA discovered that most counties have no records of how many total ballots were collected from drop boxes so there is no way to determine how many ballots were collected when several days’ worth of forms are missing.”
The group even in the PRELIMINARY findings revealed absolutely damning election law violations that are more than justifiable cause for the entire State of Georgia’s 2020 electoral results to be thrown out and for the most stringent security precautions to be taken for 2022 and 2024.
Some examples of the violations are:
• Chain of custody forms that are unsigned by collection team members
• Forms with only one person identified on the pickup team
• Forms with no name of who received it at the County Election Center
• Forms not received on same day of pickup
VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito summarized: ”Our poll watching team recently found that SB202 did not solve the problem. Some poll workers will allow ballot harvesters to drop hundreds of ballots into drop boxes at polling locations. The law and SEB rules must still be changed further and enforced to ensure election integrity.“
During a subsequent press conference he didn’t hold back when he told the gathered media,
“This is a systematic coverup by the Secretary of State. He’s been doing this ever since the election… So ‘yes’ there is a coverup in the state of Georgia and ‘yes’ the Secretary of State is behind it.”