
Breaking News: Trump Issues OFFICIAL Announcement

President Donald Trump has issued a video statement in response to the violent takeover of the US Capitol building which forced a recess of the Joint Session of Congress and the evacuation of lawmakers and Vice President Pence.

Calls for Peace and Calm During the Siege

Prior to the video release, President Trump tweeted twice during the breach of the Capitol, urging his supporters to remain calm and peaceful. This will likely go unreported by the mainstream media who will attempt the President as silent during the storm.

Unfortunately shortly after his speech at the Ellipse and subsequent beginning of the debate regarding Arizona’s objection to the Electoral College vote, violence erupted as protestors stormed the building.

  1. This is what happens when Biden team set up fraud in the election. Biden and team are responsible for this. Biden told us ahead of time that he had the most extensive fraud set up to win the election ever in U.S. history. I don’t support violence but I do understand the anger being felt because of the fraud.

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