Thirty-five House Republicans have betrayed their own party, and their voters. These spineless RINOs need to face the consequences of their duplicitous actions.
The House of Representatives passed H.R. 3233, the Democrats’ partisan witch-hunt known as the “National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act.” The official vote tally results show 252 votes in favor and 175 votes against the bill. Thirty-five of those yes votes belonged so so-called Republicans.
Though the bill is unlikely to pass in the Senate, the fact that these House Republicans so blatantly betrayed their own party is disgusting.
Political commentator Tim Pool made an excellent point about this on Twitter: the Republican Party’s new slogan should be “Republicans, We’re Speed bumps for Democrats!”
I have a new slogan for the Republican party
"Republicans, We're Speed bumps for Democrats!"
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) May 20, 2021
Throughout the last year, the left has been engaging in riots, vandalism, and destruction. They have burned down small businesses, attacked federal buildings, and assaulted innocent civilians and cops. Yet, there is no commission to discuss left-wing terrorism. Somehow, one incident perpetrated by conservatives is worse than everything the left has been doing.
Instead of pushing back against the left’s insane claims about January 6 and calling them out for their hypocrisy, RINOs just give in to their demands. When Republicans are in office, they do nothing. When Democrats take control, Republicans just wag their finger at them and try to slow them down. The country is never moved towards the right, it is just moving more slowly to the left.
Conservative commentator Ned Ryun compiled a list of these traitors, circled the names of those who had also voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, and also broke them down by district:
Names of GOP that voted for Jan 6. Circled names of those voted for impeachment. Included district break down. 30 of the 35 come from R+ districts. Of those 30, 25 come from fairly strong GOP districts (R+5 or greater). Means they’re prime targets for primary challenges in 2022.
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) May 20, 2021
Each one of these pathetic, spineless cowards deserves to lose to a real conservative in their next primary. Every conservative voter living in those districts should get out and start campaigning for a true conservative to take their place.