
Fox News Silences Trump

Fox News has had a badly self-destructive habit of alienating and eventually parting ways with its top talents and their audiences for decades now. You can trace the names back like a lineage of conservative thought dating to the year 2000 with the likes of Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly to Megyn Kelly and Lou Dobbs. An upcoming addition would seem to be: Dan Bongino. The network now seems desperate to flee from any association with Trump. In an interview with President Trump that headlined Bongino’s show on August 7th, Trump took aim at the 2020 Election as one would expect, especially with major revelations coming from the Arizona Audit and Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium on the horizon. But all was not well at Fox News Channel, while the interview aired in full on the cable network, in the upload to Youtube, the President’s comments were GUTTED stripping away any mention of the election to evidently placate Youtube’s “Community Standards”.

The original uncensored quote from President Trump was in full:

“It’s a disgrace what’s happening, and I don’t think the country’s going to stand for it much longer, they are disgusted. You have a fake election, you have an election with voter abuse and voter fraud like nobody’s ever seen before, and based on that, and based on what happened, they are destroying our country, whether it’s at the border, whether it’s on crime, and plenty of instances, including military.”

And the censored version that Fox aired on Youtube to appease their Silicon-Valley overlords,

“It’s a disgrace what’s happening, and I don’t think the country’s going to stand for it much longer, they are disgusted. You have a fake election, you have an election with voter abuse and voter fraud like nobody’s ever seen before, and based on that, and based on what happened, they are destroying our country, whether it’s at the border, whether it’s on crime, and plenty of instances, including military.

President Trump’s spokeswoman Liz Harrington drew attention to Fox’s egregious move on Twitter,

Harrington also took aim at Fox and Dan Bongino on Telegram where she wrote,

“Fox News DELETED President Trump’s words: “You have a Fake Election, you have an election with voter abuse and with voter fraud like nobody has ever seen before and based on that and based on what happened they are destroying our Country…” This is just as bad as Big Tech. They are putting President Trump’s honest statement, and the concerns of tens of millions of Americans, down the Memory Hole.

I guess it’s FILTERED after all, Bongino.”

The Fox News host was quick to reply, telling his Parler followers and Twitter that Harrington failed to contact him prior to impugning him for the censored video.

Dan Bongino’s Response To Fox Silencing Trump On HIS Show IN FULL

Many outlets are just giving excerpts of Bongino’s explanation to his audience, many are not including his promise for a resolution either, so here is his response to this affront to his show’s integrity in full.

“So it was edited,” Bongino told his audience. “The reason I was given was to comply with YouTube rules. We have no intention of doing that on my show, we will post the interview as it is and Youtube if they want to be communists, Youtube can do what communists do.” he said. “I don’t control the Fox News YouTube account. However, I do work with them, and it’s my show.”

“Second, it aired on Fox fully and is up on the Fox website in full, not an excuse, just a fact. Not an excuse for anything. It was edited on Youtube. Fact also.”

“Third, most importantly. It’s not acceptable at all. I want to make that clear, I actually have this underlined and in all caps” Bongino said. “This is not acceptable. Meaning I won’t accept it. And I promise you a definitive resolution that I’m working on now. What it is, we’ll have to find out. But I promise you a definitive resolution. If you think I’m just going to forget about it and pretend, oh it’ll blow over — you clearly haven’t listened to my show through the year. Not acceptable. It’s not acceptable to me, it should never be acceptable to you. And I deeply appreciate the people who took a moment to say: ‘alright we’ll hear you out’ that matters. Because one day, it may be your head on the chopping block and it’d be nice to know that before the axe falls that you at least got to say your peace. My credibility and my integrity matter, to you and it matters to me. It’s all that matters. I’m only here because I want to be. I said that. It’s not acceptable, I promise you a resolution and I will air it, what it is this week. I hope that the for now at least puts to bed the conspiracy theories about you know cutting commercials and stuff, for that had nothing to do with anything it was an edit. It was an edit for the wrong reasons and it’s not acceptable, and I will not accept it.”


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