
How to Fight the Indoctrination of Our Children

The Left isn’t hiding their propaganda any longer, and their main target is our children. Their indoctrination agenda can be found in public schools, libraries, even in cartoons. There are no safe spaces for innocent minds left unless we take a stand against it.

The Indoctrination of Our Children

A school in Scotland has declared that clothes have no gender and push for young boys to come to class wearing skirts and dresses. This has become a trend in Europe since a boy wearing girls’ clothes was expelled from a school in Spain, a more conservative country when it comes to family values and faith. The boy’s parents were encouraged by the school to seek phycological help for the child.

The school’s response at one time was a healthy reaction to such behavior. Transgenderism, just like body dysmorphia, is a mental rejection of the body you have. Past studies have shown those who suffer from transgenderism have likely been the victim of some kind of sexual abuse or molestation. But now we must accept transgenderism as not a person crying for help but as one’s identity. No questions asked.

The American Mindset

Are you shrugging this off because it’s a European example? Please don’t. The indoctrination of children, to the leftist LGBTQ+ pedophilic agenda, is an American export to our European neighbors.

Drag Queen storytime was started here in America. Although not surprising in the streets of LA or New York City, but has now spread to states like Kentucky, Texas, Florida, and more.

Public schools in America have propagated their libraries with porn that even young elementary children can check out. All under the guise of inclusion. Parents who stand up to such nefarious educational practices are labeled as domestic terrorists by our government.

The Truth of the Matter

The fact is that it is a faith-based Nuclear family that keeps a nation healthy and glued together. The Nuclear Family is what the Left has set its eyes on to destroy generations ago, and we are seeing the fruit of their patient laboring today.

We have a crisis of fatherless homes, especially in the black community, which was the largest faith-based community in America at one time.

The American nation as a whole has been blinded by a perversion of the American dream set forth by FDR. A dream that was based on material wealth and not Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In doing so we have convinced ourselves in the pursuit of the fancier car or the bigger house to have two-income homes and children raised more by the public education system than their parents. We are all guilty of it because it is all that we are taught by modern-day society. Even churches preach a prosperity gospel that puts the love of money over the love of God.

To win this fight we must look back to our foundation. What are the principles and truths that blessed America for generations? What are the values and morals that turned children into caring, hardworking, and innovative adults? These are the things we must pursue and teach our children before it is too late.

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