
Republicans Score Big Win in Heavy Blue Area

Republicans are grinning from ear to ear, while New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is terrified of losing his job to a deplorable Nationalist patriot. He’s especially steamed to learn that his replacement could turn out to be none other than Curtis Sliwa.

Republicans demand safety

It’s not surprising to conservative Republicans that the man who started his a public service career by leading a band of guerrilla vigilantes in patrolling the subways just took the GOP nomination for NYC Mayor.

Curtis Sliwa, chief executive officer of the Guardian Angels has been fighting crime in the streets and subways ever since 1977. De Blasio is making retirement plans to relocate to Canada.

The Democrats haven’t quite picked a winner yet but the one who came out on top in the first round is Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, “a 22-year veteran and retired Captain of the NYPD.”

Liberals don’t like the trend they are seeing one bit. Voters still think that law and order is a priority no matter how hard progressives try to defund the police. Republicans are breathing a heavy sigh of relief that someone seems to be listening to their cries for help.

Sliwa walked away Tuesday night with approval from a full 72% of New York City Republicans. He’s not easing up for a second because liberals continue to insist that “he faces low odds of winning November’s general election,” simply because he’s a conservative candidate in a flaming liberal city in an equally anarchist state.

On the red team side, Sliwa had a lead of more than 40 points over restaurateur Fernando Mateo by the time they got done counting ballots. All that matters now is how he does against the Democrat. Because the law and order promoting DINO didn’t manage to break the 50% threshold, the Democrats will narrow the field and start passing out “second choice” numbers to the ones who remain. If there still isn’t a clear winner, it will go to another round of 3rd choices.

Rise in violent crime

One thing is certain, voters on both sides are concerned about the skyrocketing rate of violent crime since all the nonsense about defunding the police started gaining traction. Both Republicans fought “bitter campaigns centered around support for law enforcement amid a rise in violent crime in the city.”

To the voters, Sliwa clearly had the advantage on that issue. It takes someone with something a little extra special to found “a group of volunteer crime fighters without any legal authorization,” then keep it active and growing for 44 years. Sliwa considers himself “uniquely qualified to reverse the spike.” He plans to start with “3,000 more police officers.”

Sliwa was glad to have the support of powerful Republicans including former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, who’s now famous as personal lawyer for Once and Future President Trump. Things are a lot different today than they were in the 90’s when Rudy ran the place.

Since then, Democrats have “established a deep stronghold in four out of the city’s five boroughs.” What that means in practical terms is that they have “a yawning voter registration advantage over the GOP, making the ultimate victor of the Democratic primary the overwhelming favorite to win the November general election.”

At his victory speech, Sliwa promised Republicans that it’s time to “take the handcuffs off the police.” We “just won big but we are not done. We will win in November,” he insists, because he dedicated his life to the people of New York City. “That is my focus—the people. Not partisan politics.”

Giuliani takes the guesswork out of it. “Stop complaining about how bad crime is in New York and go vote for #curtissliwa for Republican candidate for Mayor.”

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