Just days ago, Democrat-Socialists in Congress: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders publicly expressed their support for the very same Palestinian terrorism that is raining rocket fire on Israelis today.
Legal proceedings which have dragged on for decades to remove Palestinian squatters from Israeli homes in Eastern Jerusalem have met their logical conclusion and evictions have been moving forward against the protest of leftists and the Palestinian Authority overrun by Hamas. In response to these evictions and claiming umbridge that they happen to be taking place during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, Palestinians have been violently responding with terrorism throughout the capital of Israel.
Far Left Democrats Get Schooled By Those Who Know Better
Congresswoman Omar (D-MI) took to twitter to virtue signal only to be solidly shot down by Arsen Ostrovsky, an international human rights lawyer and freelance journalist, Previously a Research Fellow at the Hudson Institute and an Associate Editor at EYEontheUN.org, and a past contributor for Huffington Post, they wrote “Arsen’s research is focused primarily on international law and human rights, the Arab-Israeli conflict, United Nations and Middle East foreign policy.”
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
First of all, this is Jerusalem, Israel!
Second of all, there are not peaceful protestors or people praying. They are violent Palestinian rioters.
You should be calling for calm, not inflaming situation, spreading lies and inciting more violence!
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 8, 2021
Rep. Rashida Tlaib was equally tone-deaf in her analysis of the situation in Jerusalem tweeting ,
“Too many are silent or dismissive as our U.S. tax dollars continue to be used for this kind of inhumanity. I am tired of people functioning from a place of fear rather than doing what’s right because of the bullying by pro-Israel lobbyists. This is apartheid, plain and simple.” She was appropriately devastated by Ido Daniel a Senior Director of Digital Strategy for the Office of the Israeli Prime Minister.
The attack against #AlAqsaMosque by Palestinians who hurl rocks and firebombs from INSIDE a holy place to Islam are indeed inhumane. pic.twitter.com/7MYUKEG5p9
— Ido Daniel 🇮🇱 (@IdoDaniel) May 8, 2021
Far Leftists Support Terrorism Out of Malice or Ignorance
The entire explosion of terrorism in the last week centers around the Jerusalem area of ‘Sheikh Jarrah’ as the Palestinian Arabs call it. Several Jewish and Arab families have been embroiled in a property dispute that is finally being ruled upon with the eviction of the Arab families imminent.
According to the Times of Israel,
“In all, over 70 Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are set to be evicted in the coming weeks, to be replaced by right-wing Jewish Israelis. The Palestinians live in houses built on land that courts have ruled were owned by Jewish religious associations before the establishment of Israel in 1948.
The anticipated decision to evict the families came as Jerusalem lives through tense, violent days. The city has been on edge in recent weeks as Palestinians have clashed with Israeli police, with both sides blaming the other for igniting the confrontations.
Over 300 Palestinians have been wounded in the confrontations, including several seriously injured by rubber-tipped bullets in the head, eye and jaw, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. More than 20 Israeli officers were lightly injured.”
Here’s the disconnect as the Times reports, “Palestinians charge that a 1970 Israeli law — while not discriminatory on its face — in practice allows only Jews to reclaim lost property in East Jerusalem. No similar law exists that would allow Palestinians to claim their lost property from Israel’s War of Independence inside Israel.” There is an extremely simple explanation for this that no-one really seems to have the gumption to state: The Israelis won the war, the Palestinians (who fought on the side of Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt) LOST.
Furthermore, the legal claims of the Israeli families PREDATE those of the Palestinians considerably. The Palestinians’ claims in Jerusalem orignate with the Jordanian government during their occupation of East Jerusalem from 1948-1967 when the land, stolen from its’ Jewish owners by the Government of Jordan was leased to the Palestinian Arabs.
The Jewish News Syndicate reports,
“The current dispute in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood involves several properties with tenants whose leases have expired and, in a few cases, squatters with no tenancy rights at all, against owner-landlords who have successfully won court orders evicting the squatters and overstaying tenants. The litigation has taken several years, and the owners have won at every step. The squatters and overstaying tenants have appealed against the eviction orders to the Supreme Court. The only decision that stands before the Israeli government is whether to honor the courts’ decisions and enforce the eviction orders if affirmed by the Supreme Court, or whether to defy court orders and deny the property owners their legal rights.”
The Jewish religious organization’s claims date back to the Ottoman government in the 19th century, as the land was reconquered by Israel, the rights of its previous owners were restored. Period. The Palestinians lost their Supreme court cases and eviction day has arrived. So they’ve decided to lash out with terrorism at Israel, hoping the government will be pressured to back down. Its that simple.
According to Reuters, the Palestinian’s temper tantrum has so far cost the lives of 32 Palestinians and three people in Israel, with Israel carrying out multiple air strikes in Gaza in retaliation after Hamas terrorists fired over 150 rockets into Tel Aviv.
“Israel said it had sent 80 jets to bomb Gaza, and dispatched infantry and armour to reinforce the tanks already gathered on the border,”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the press “We are urging this message of de-escalation to see this loss of life come to an end.” However, the violence has shown no sign of waning.
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