
Antifa Radical Concedes, Fresh Republican Swoops in for a BIG Win

“Antifa supporting activist” Nicole Thomas-Kennedy is not a hoopy frood. She threw in her towel and accepted defeat to Republican Ann Davison in the Seattle City Attorney race. It was a hard fight and a close call but the voters decided they would rather enforce crime than support it. The really scary part is how close a call it was.

Antifa disappointed

The Seattle branch of Antifa was horribly disappointed to learn on Tuesday, November 9, that Nicole Thomas-Kennedy conceded defeat.

The unbelievable part isn’t that she ran on a campaign centered around refusal to prosecute crime. The scary part is she was only 4 points behind.

On election night, things looked pretty good for the conservative candidate Ann Davison, who held a 17-point advantage. Antifa oriented anarchists kept their fingers crossed and counted all the mail in ballots they could get their hands on.

There’s a subtle reason “later counts have tended to favor progressive candidates” but talking about it gets you censored into oblivion.

By Tuesday morning it was clear that they didn’t stuff the ballot box full enough. She posted her concession to the twits who follow her. “I’m proud of my campaign and what we accomplished.”

She didn’t win but “came damn close. 120k+ people understood the problem & voted for abolition” of criminal prosecution. Antifa came that close to achieving their beloved anarchy. At least, in Seattle. No wonder they’re sleepless.

Another world

“We now know that at least 120,000 residents of Seattle believe another world is possible.” the Antifa candidate tapped out.

That particular world, conservatives declare, is more than a couple signposts into the Twilight Zone. When anarchists talk about “that better, truly progressive Seattle we envision,” conservatives shudder.

Like any pure Socialist, the Antifa candidate ignored her deep state funding, which was funneled through PACs by progressive millionaires.

Her opponent had twice as much legitimate campaign cash as her but she almost won. She feels so dirty that she was funded by “old guard neoliberal dems and a ‘Democrat’ political consulting firm” but the money is all green so…


Of course, it was the media which caused her defeat, she whines. They were relentless of their coverage.

She has an unfortunate “history of tweets promoting violence and trumpeting support for Antifa.” Of course, they were “exposed and went viral.” She almost had the chance to put her ideas into effect. A “centerpiece of her campaign” was her “desire to abolish prisons and the police.”

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