
Biden Asked If He ‘Underestimated Putin’, Blank Stares At The Camera, Picks His Teeth [Video]

In the runup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden was asked by a reporter in a press conference: “Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?” In an awkward non-response, Biden stood cross-armed with a semi-vacant expression on his face, momentarily appearing to smile wanly before his expression turned blank before he began to pick his teeth with his thumb and forefinger.

While this question was asked as reporters were being led from the room, Biden’s expression belies that he indeed heard it and either chose not to answer or did not fully register the question. However, in a world where authoritarian dictators are playing for the very fate of humanity, imagery matters, and the optics of the supposed ‘leader of the free world’ adopting a mannerism that betrays his advanced age and gives an appearance of incompetence that is incredibly dangerous.

Biden’s Blank Stare Reveals His Obvious Incapacity To Lead

Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, who served under both Presidents Obama and Trump told Fox News Digital that Biden’s rapidly collapsing cognitive capacity, his deteriorating mental state has made America weak at what could be the dawn of global war saying Joe Biden is “not fit to be our president right now”

“The whole country is seeing his mental cognitive issues on display for over a year now, and there’s really no question in most people’s minds that there’s something going on with him, that he’s not cognitively the same as he used to be and, in my mind, not fit to be our president right now,” Jackson said. “Every time he gets up and talks to the American people, it’s not just the American people that are watching him speak, it’s the whole world, and that’s part of what the problem is here.”

“He looks tired, he looks weak, he looks confused, he’s incoherent, and it sends a message of weakness all over the world, and they’re seizing up on that.”

Biden’s utter incapacity to stand up against Vladimir Putin’s aggression in any meaningful way has thrown this reality into the harsh firelight of war, a war that his failure to prevent will be his lasting historical legacy. Just as they did over a century ago, it seems “The lamps are going out all over Europe,” as British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey remarked. And Biden did nothing to stop it. It remains to be seen if “we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.

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