Recently unearthed footage shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci was fear mongering long before the COVID pandemic. In an interview on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” Fauci attempted to promote fear among the American people about the Zika virus.
According to Johns Hopkins, “Zika virus is similar to dengue fever, yellow fever and West Nile virus. Carried by infected Aedes aegypti mosquitos, Zika is largely transmitted through bites, but can also occur through intrauterine infection.”
Despite the way the media and Fauci portrayed the Zika virus, it’s symptoms are mild. “Symptoms of this virus are generally mild, with fever, rash and joint pain present. Most people who develop the virus do not have symptoms,” Johns Hopkins reports.
In his interview, Fauci of course tries to blow the danger of the virus out of proportion, similar to his statements about COVID. Public health “experts” like Fauci are adept at using viruses to promote fear and panic among the public.
Fauci and the CBS host discuss the need for Congress to step in and help fight the virus by allocating the American people’s tax money towards the institution he controls: the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci is the director of.
Fauci is a very dishonest person