
High Ranking Police Officer Fired for Donating to Legal Cause

A Norfolk, VA Senior Police Officer has been fired or ‘cancelled’ if you will, for the horrific crime of making an ‘anonymous’ donation to the legal fund of Kyle Rittenhouse who defensively shot and killed two rioters in Kenosha, WI in 2020. The officer left a note with the donation indicating that he and many “rank and file” police officers support Rittenhouse’s fight for the right to defend himself.

Lt. William Kelly, the former executive officer of internal affairs of Norfolk PD made the critical mistake of creating the again: “anonymous” (that doesn’t seem to mean what they think it means) donation using his professional email address. Kelly was fired this week.

With his donation Lt. Kelly wrote,

“God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong,” Kelly wrote, according to the British newspaper. “Every rank and file police officer supports you. Don’t be discouraged by actions of the political class of law enforcement leadership.”

Convenient “Security breach” Revealed the Police Officer’s Donation

According to The Hill, “William Kelly made the $25 anonymous donation to the fund through GiveSendGo, according to The Guardian, which noted that the Christian crowdfunding site suffered a major security breach that exposed the email addresses of people who had made donations to Rittenhouse’s fund. ”

The serendipity of this “security breach” cannot be ignored, the circumstances suggest this was a deliberate attack on GiveSendGo for the explicit purpose of revealing donors to the Rittenhouse defense fund. No doubt Lt. Kelly is likely just the first of many ‘cancellations’ to come.

Norfolk City Manager Chip Filer issued a statement, according to WAVY Norfolk,

“I have reviewed the results of the internal investigation involving Lt. William Kelly, Chief Larry Boone and I have concluded Lt. Kelly’s actions are in violation of City and departmental policies. His egregious comments erode the trust between the Norfolk Police Department and those they are sworn to serve. The City of Norfolk has a standard of behavior for all employees, and we will hold staff accountable.”

Chief Larry Boone made his own statement as well urging Norfolk citizen “not to lose faith” in his department. “A police department cannot do its job when the public loses trust with those whose duty is to serve and protect them,” Boone said. “We do not want perceptions of any individual officer to undermine the relations between the Norfolk Police Department and the community.”

While the former Lietenant Kelly made the donation using his professional email address, one could absolutely infer that had he used a personal though equally identifiable email address, he would’ve still been fired. Norfolk is desperately virtue signaling to the left to avoid BLM and Antifa backlash, and its’ shameful. The donation was made anonymously and Kelly did not identify his department, his city or himself. His actions in no way violated anything that could be interpreted as an objectively reasonable city policy. This man was singled out and punished for his politics. Period.


1 comment
  1. No freedom of association in areas of Virginia where the tyrannous Democrats bare rule. It is sad that the state that was the cradle of liberty should be so beholden to Marxist dogma.

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