In a death blow to the Biden-Harris regime’s entire desperate power grab, Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) rose on January 13th and announced unequivocally that she would not support Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s efforts to break the Republican filibuster, dooming the so-called “voting rights” legislation (the “Freedom to Vote Act” and the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act “) which would in fact federalize control of all elections and enforce highly insecure at-will mail-in-voting nationally and permanently.
Sinema made a twenty-minute long address to the Senate explaining her actions and insisting t hat “The debate over the Senate’s 60-vote threshold shines a light on our broader challenges,” Sinema told her colleagues in her floor speech. “There’s no need for me to restate my longstanding support for the 60-vote threshold to pass legislation. There’s no need for me to restate its role protecting our country from wild reversals in federal policy.”
Sinema along with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) have proven to be the bulwark stopping Schumer from overrunning the Republicans in the Senate and voicing a cautionary note that just as it was with the execution of the “nuclear option” by then-Majority Leader Harry Reid, removal of the 60-vote filibuster threshold will likely have devastating results for the country, enabling a very narrow, simple majority to completely overrule the minority party, even if by a single vote, fostering greater division in the country which even the avowed Democrat-Socialist recognized is a disease threatening our nation.
She told the Senate,
“Eliminating the 60-vote threshold – on a party line with the thinnest of possible majorities – to pass these bills that I support will not guarantee that we prevent demagogues from winning office.
Indeed, some who undermine the principles of democracy have already been elected.
Rather, eliminating the 60-vote threshold will simply guarantee that we lose a critical tool that we need to safeguard our democracy from threats in the years to come.”
Sinema continued,
“American politics are cyclical, and the granting of power in Washington, D.C. is exchanged regularly by voters from one party to another. The shift of power back and forth means the Senate’s 60-vote threshold has proved maddening to members of both political parties in recent years,” she reminded.
“Used either as a weapon of obstruction or as a safety net to save the country from radical policies, depending on whether you serve in the majority or the minority,” Sinema said. “What is the legislative filibuster other than a tool that requires new federal policy to be broadly supported by senators representing a broader cross section of Americans — a guardrail.”
Even A Broken Watch… Yes, She Killed The Biden Power Grab
But that broken watch might only be right twice a day. As conservatives cheer the death of the Biden-Harris regime’s attempt to seize control of the nation’s elections on the eve of the Democrats’ projected devastation in 2022, it’s important to remember who you’re thanking. Granted, Sinema may have done well in this singular bi-partisan move, which likely amounts to an appeal to moderates to secure her re-election, but unlike Manchin who claims to be a “moderate, conservative, Democrat”, Sinema has not and can not make such a claim.
Kyrsten Sinema: "I support the voting act that will essentially make illegals a permanent voting block and ensure the DNC remain in power in perpetuity… but ending the filibuster is where I DRAW THE LINE!!"
Conservative, Inc.: "ZOMG SHE'S ONE OF US! PLEASE SHIT IN MY MOUTH!"— RazörFist (@RAZ0RFIST) January 14, 2022
Let’s not get confused by any notions that Sen. Sinema suddenly woke up one day and found herself to be the next coming of Goldwater but remember that old saying ‘even a broken watch is right twice a day’? The comparison is apt here, while she’s made a few good calls lately and most conservatives can sympathize with the joy of being followed into the bathroom by a shrieking leftist, we can’t forget that we’re dealing with a woman the Financial Times called a self-described “Prada Socialist“, and former member of the Green Party.
As FT wrote,
“[T]he latest results demonstrated Sinema — who is not up for re-election until 2024 — was unlikely to be penalised by voters for going against the grain.
But that does little to reassure progressives. “There is latitude . . . people understand it is a moderate state, she needs to have these moderate positions,” said Catherine Alonzo, chief executive at Javelina, a Phoenix-based consultant to companies and political campaigns. “I just think that for a lot of people this is just a bridge too far.”
The point is that Sinema knows who she needs to play to in order to stay in office and it isn’t La Raza or the DSA, it’s the moderate Soccer-mom Democrats of Scottsdale, independents which make up an entire 1/3 of Arizona’s base, and any GOP on the outs with the AmericaFirst AZGOP under Chair Dr. Kelli Ward.