
Police Raid Local Church That Defied Lockdowns

The increasingly autocratic government of Justin Trudeau’s Canada has raided an Alberta Church, arrested the Pastor and placed riot fences, roadblocks, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and private security officers around the building to prevent parishioners from entering. All of this happened just because they refused COVID19 restrictions.

The Grace Life Church in Parkland, Alberta, Canada made headlines initially early this month when Pastor James Coates was arrested for continuing to hold unrestricted services on March 5th, he was held until March 22nd and faces an upcoming trial. According to the Post Millennial‘s sources, the church was raided early this morning.

Pastor Coates defied the Canadian authorities again by opening the church for Easter services, he pled guilty to charges resulting in a $1,500 fine. Albertan Health authorities have restricted Church gatherings to a mere 15% of capacity, Grace Life Church is among many churches who have refused the harsh restrictions.

A Pastor Held, His Church Closed, By Order of The Government

According to the Post Millennial, despite an order for his release, the Pastor is still being held due to his refusal to submit to orders that he will follow Alberta’s COVID19 restrictions. They reported,

“According to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, the crime he was jailed for is not punishable by prison time.

“Unless the Justice Centre secures his release from prison prior to trial, Pastor Coates will spend a total of eleven weeks in jail for a provincial infraction that is not punishable by jail time,” wrote JCCF president John Carpay.”

The Alberta Health Service released a statement regarding their outrageous closure of the Church.

EDMONTON – Today, April 7, 2021, Alberta Health Services (AHS) physically closed GraceLife Church (GLC) and has prevented access to the building until GLC can demonstrate the ability to comply with Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s (CMOH) restrictions.

For several months, AHS has attempted to work collaboratively with GLC to address the ongoing public health concerns at the site. Steps taken prior to physically closing the site include:

  • An order issued by AHS on December 17th, 2020, requiring GLC to comply with CMOH restrictions.
  • A Court of Queen’s Bench Order obtained on January 21st, 2021, requiring GLC to comply with the previous order.
  • A Closure Order issued on January 29th, 2021, requiring closure until compliance with the restrictions was attained.
  • On March 27, 2021, AHS sent a letter to Pastor Coates providing him with information on the continued spread of COVID-19. Last week, AHS invited Pastor Coates to meet virtually to discuss the risks presented by COVID-19, however the church has not provided any dates to meet.

GLC has decided not to follow these mandatory restrictions, nor have they attempted to work with AHS to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

With COVID-19 cases increasing and the more easily-transmitted and potentially more severe variants becoming dominant, there is urgent need to minimize spread to protect all Albertans.

From July 10, 2020 to April 6, 2021, AHS has received 105 complaints from the public about GLC. AHS inspectors have conducted 18 inspections at the site since July 10, 2020 and violations were observed at each visit.

Every Pastor That Defies Lockdown, Grows The Rebellion

The spirit of rebellion against the authoritarian lockdown is spreading throughout the western Canadian province. DH News Calgary has reported that Calgary, Alberta Police attempted to serve the church of Polish-Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski for holding passover services at his small church. The Pastor videoed the interaction with Alberta Health Services’ Inspectors trying to coerce entry into the church flanked by armed Calgary police. He called them “Nazis” and “Gestapo”, powerful words from a man who grew up in Soviet dominated Poland.

Pawlowski told Fox News, “We as lions should never bow before the hyenas”

The story he told Fox interviewers is chilling, he drew a straight line parallel from Iron-Curtain Poland to Calgary, Alberta.

PAWLOWSKI: I grew up under a Communist dictatorship behind the Iron Curtain, under the boot of the Soviets, and I’m tell you that’s no fun at all. It was a disaster. Police officers could break into your house five in the morning, they could beat you up, torture, they could arrest you for no matter what reason they would come up with. There was a famous saying in Poland–when I was growing up–by the police, “give me a man and we will find something on that man.” So, it was like a flashback when those police officers showed up at my church. Everything kind of came back to life from my childhood, and the only thing I could do is to fend off the wolves as a shepherd, and I use my voice to get rid of them. 

They were illegally encroaching on our rights during the most holy days during the Passover celebration. How dare they? The audacity of those people coming. It was a shocking thing. I was a little bit shaken, but I did what every shepherd right now on the planet Earth should be doing–fend off the wolves. We as lions should never bow before the hyenas, and that’s what they’re right now.

People are awakening, more must follow.

You can find Pastor Pawlowski’s powerful video below.



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