
China Hiding Something Sneaky About Earliest Wuhan Cases

ICYMI – China seems to be really sneaky about hiding some crucial evidence about the earliest victims of COVID-19. Nobody has a clue how the whole pandemic got started. Or, how it quickly evolved into global catastrophe. After all this time, we should know a lot more than we do. The very first cases are the ones which hold the keys to the mystery and those are also the ones we know the least about. They are the ones which would nail down the source of the outbreak to either the Huanan Seafood Market or a leak from the spooky viral research center. Both are in Wuhan.

China hiding the data

The data which China is being really cagey about is the most important evidence available. Besides determining the source of the outbreak, the earliest cases could point out the “missteps in public health that allowed the virus to spread,” Washington Post explains.

They could point to failures in the early warning and surveillance systems, offering important lessons for the future.

More and more informed researchers are coming to the conclusion that “China concealed vital information from the public when the outbreak might still have been brought under control.” To this day, they swear up and down that it came from anywhere but there.

Everyone else in the world wants to know “how far and wide the virus spread in December 2019.” The deeper questions are swirling around the cases which weren’t identified as COVID because they happened in October and November. Some think that proves it came straight from the lab.

If the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been conducting Human clinical trials, that would virtually confirm that China did it.

All it would take is for one batch of volunteers, who had been infected with the engineered virus, somehow got released to go home while still contagious. The nearby wet-market could have been separately infected at the same time to cover their tracks. For now, that’s only speculation but the earliest cases would prove or disprove it.

Detected but not recognized

As Washington Post reports, the outbreak “probably eluded detection at first, then was detected but not recognized as a new disease by doctors and nurses.

After that, “it was both detected and recognized, but the vital reporting was suppressed by Chinese authorities, both local and national.” The last thing China wants is to be stuck holding the blame for infecting the entire planet.

In the fall of 2019, “there were many signals that something unusual was happening in Wuhan.” According to Russell J. Westergard, the deputy consular chief at the U.S. Consulate there, by mid-October, “the consulate team was aware of an unusually vicious flu season.

Available medical records indicate “influenza-like illness.” By November, there was a huge spike in “patients with respiratory ailment.” China denies that was COVID.

The first “official” cases didn’t happen until “someone who fell ill on either December 10 or 11, though it has been difficult to establish.” The patients showing up since October with the same symptoms don’t count though. Because “health-care workers might not have been able to distinguish their ailment from a bad seasonal flu,” they missed it completely. Next came “pneumonia of unknown etiology.

They couldn’t keep a lid on it any longer after Li Wenliang, “a physician at Wuhan Central Hospital, wrote in a private Weibo chat group that seven people had contracted a virus like the one that causes SARS and were quarantined at his hospital. He and other doctors were summoned by police on Jan. 1 and reprimanded for spreading rumors about SARS-like cases appearing in Wuhan hospitals. Li later died of covid-19.” That was the end of December. We may never know what happened in October.

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