Huge Kamala Murder Scandal – RIVERS OF BLOOD on Her Hands

If you have ever looked into Kamala Harris’ career, you know she has a rather dark history.

To hear Democrats, Harris had an exemplary record as a prosecutor.

When she did prosecute people, she was actually very hard on them.

The problem was when she turned activist or corrupt politician.

Blood on Your Hands

In this case, we are not talking about her donors who were let off the hook because their influence would benefit Harris then or at a future date.

Here, she let an alleged MS-13 gang member free.

He was a model citizen, having been arrested for some mild offenses, such as assault, attempted robbery, assaulting a pregnant woman, and street gang membership.

When he was arrested under Harris’ jurisdiction, she declined to prosecute.

Not only that, but Edwin Ramos was not deported.

With the free pass from Harris, he was free to raise hell in this country.

Three innocent people lost their lives from this free pass, as Ramos mistook a father and two sons as rival gang members and shot them.

To add insult to injury, when the wife/mother, begged Harris to go for the death penalty, the current VP declined to do so.

This was far from a one-off case… and this is the woman who is one Biden misstep away from being in the Oval Office.

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