Spiritual Warfare is an attack from the enemy of God on those who would follow His commandments, morals, and laws for a better life. Whether you are a believer in the Christian God, or not, you must understand that the foundations of America, and its law, was built by men who were Christians. The war for truth, righteousness, and justice was real to them.
Read my latest only at @EpochTimes https://t.co/YjThzG0teK
— Tim Barton (@TimDavidBarton) February 7, 2022
The lie that our founders were deists has spread far enough and is a part of the war we now face for the heart of our nation. The only three founding fathers that you. can argue were Deists are Thomas Jefferson, John Hamilton, and Benjamin Franklin.
However, all three of those men agreed that the Bible and its wisdom were the best sources for the foundation of our constitutional republic. Yes, we are a republic, not a democracy, and there is a difference. But a republic cannot stand unless its people are stand firm on shared values.
Marxist Ideology In America And What To Do About It – With George Barna https://t.co/VXlOh9JEoM
— David Barton (@DavidBartonWB) December 3, 2021
The War We Wage
Values, morals, ethics these concepts are the glue that holds a melting pot nation, like America together. People came from all over the world to this nation for a better life and the freedoms we so callously take for granted on a daily basis. The powers at be, know this.
#WallBuilders pic.twitter.com/curOVkZAB4
— David Barton (@DavidBartonWB) November 9, 2021
Whether you attribute Satan, or the atheistic government Elites who seek a one-world order the fight is still the same. The heart of Americans must change so that the downfall of America can be achieved. Who better to corrupt than the next generation who will one day be the leaders of this one-world globalist eutopia.
Reeducate them on American history. Let them see their nation as full of bigots and atrocities. Forget the good of history, especially its Christian heritage.
#History #WallBuilders pic.twitter.com/mQOeGFol9t
— David Barton (@DavidBartonWB) November 6, 2021
Instead, let the infiltrate their minds with the ideologies that allowed Hitler to massacre the Jews, that holds no respect for life, and keeps us silent when real atrocities are happening around the world. China for example with its forced sterilization and genocide of the Uyghurs or the Australian concentration camps for the unvaccinated. Both are crimes against humanity.
But today’s modern curriculum teaches not about righteousness and justice but instead teaches our children that there is no gender and that Satan is good.
— Tim Barton (@TimDavidBarton) November 4, 2021
Yes, you read that correctly. More schools now have Satanic clubs and even classes, than they do proper American history.
Satanism in America
In a recent interview Fox & Friends host, Rachel Campos-Duffy spoke with a Catholic podcast host and author of a book about “the plot to destroy the church from within,” Dr. Taylor Marshall.
Satanism will be taught in schools.
But sure……I'm just a conspiracy theorist pic.twitter.com/QAeE3JO0N9
— truth2tell (@of_many_words) February 4, 2021
The two discussed numerous examples of satanism infiltrating culture. From a “Baby Satan” Statue that now resides in the Illinois State House, to Satan Con that mimics the popular Comic-Con, and to the too numerous examples of local Stanic Temples renting out space in public schools to hold Satanic after school clubs. Some teachers are even teaching it in the classroom itself.
Although many “Satanic Temples’ will even admit they do not believe in satan himself, they are in fact just a protestation against the Christian faith. It does not negate the damage done by their teachings within the minds of the next generation or the misinformation that they represent when it comes to American History and the value system that made America great in the first place.
🇦🇺 Devil worship: News broadcast on Australian TV interrupted by SATANIC ceremony.
The mistake was linked online to a recent court case about teaching Satanism in schools.
The Noosa Temple of Satan re-tweeted the clip, adding that "Satan works in mysterious ways." pic.twitter.com/YlLsmHRwFo
— 💫Queen of Seventeen 1️⃣7️⃣🥃❤️🇺🇲✝️ (@AreYouAwaQe) August 20, 2021
The Greatest thing we can do for the next generation is battle these egregious ideologies. To openly display our faith, and discuss it, not argue but have compassionate but firm conversations. We must find sources of truth when it comes to American history like The Wallbuilders Foundation, where David Barton has the largest private library of founder’s era writings. Learn the truth about that generation from first-person sources rather than the misguide lies now taught in modern-day history books.
Things will not change until we stand up and face them. Now is the time.