Former President Donald Trump Has Some Big News

Trump Dealt Another Key Loss… Says Election Rigged

It seems that the longer a race takes to get decided, the better the chance that Democrats have of winning it.

When Arizona had delayed results, you could all but predict the reaction by Trump if his people did not get the win.

The Senate race in Arizona has finally been called, and Blake Masters was defeated by Democrat Mark Kelly.

Big Loss for Trump

In addition to the GOP losing its chance to take the Senate before the Walker runoff, this is yet another battleground loss for Trump.

The ink was not even dry on the results when Trump took to Truth Social to voice his displeasure.

Trump is demanding a new election, claiming this one was rigged.

People are starting to also wonder if the House is in jeopardy.

The count is sitting at 211 to 201 GOP, but many of the seats remaining are blue seats.

Even if the GOP does win, the margin will be razor-thin.

If the GOP does not gain the House, it is pretty safe to say that we are going to see some sweeping changes in leadership throughout the party.

They somehow took an election that was easy pickings for massive gains and blew it.

Source: The Hill

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