February is known as the month in which we celebrate black history in America. However, schools across America are not teaching about black heroes in history but instead are propagating activism in their K-12 classrooms.
Mozart #ROCKstartists created this beautiful artwork in art class during BLM Week of Action in Schools as a visual reminder that Black lives must matter every day. #RaceMatters #mozARTS pic.twitter.com/GxFOohrpaO
— Mozart Elementary School (@themozartschool) February 14, 2022
The first week of Black History Month BLM activism was in full swing as schools across America participated in a “week of action.” This protest was connected with the Black Lives Movement Leaders’ curriculum.
Activism in Your Childs Classroom
Parents across this nation must become more aware of what their children are being taught. The classroom is no longer a safe space where your child will be challenged to learn but instead our public, and in some cases, private, school systems have become a breeding ground for propaganda.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, that the State Board is committed to fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment for Black students and families in our schools and in our community and will pursue that commitment through advocating for policies that attack the roots…
— Report back about BLM at School Week of Action! (@dcaesj) February 17, 2022
The BLM curriculum is centered around “the thirteen guiding principles of Black Lives Matter.” The topics learned about are things like restorative justice, and “black villages,” a term the state “is the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other. Another subject is Black Women: BLM claims that the building of “women-centered spaces free from sexism, misogyny, and male-centeredness.”
BLM encourages schools to take on this “week of activism” each year. They encourage “all educators, students, parents, unions, and community organizations to join our annual week of action during the first week of February each year.
To better help schools implement their propaganda BLM has set together a starter pack. This guide is full of answers to the frequently asked questions of educators. Questions like: Is this curriculum age-appropriate?
“Issues of equity and fairness are important in all aspects of all our lives, and in each of our classrooms. Having students of all ages discuss and process these deep issues at their own level, using grade-appropriate materials, strengthens their critical thinking abilities and provides them with the opportunity to be fully-engaged learners.”
If such disruptive teaching isn’t enough, the leaders of BLM encourage educators to take time out of science and math lessons to “talk about how students are doing and feeling about the world around them. If we view students as humans first, and learners second, it’s possible to see value in carving out the necessary time to engage with our kids around the work of social change, organizing, and building power in the world that we live in.”
Love is in the hair! Students & staff participated in today’s BLM ✊🏿 Week of Action workshop on Hair Love ❤️ Check out all the different ways our students express themselves through their hair!😍 @TamraCollinsD19 @SpenceIreneK @NYCDistrict19 @ExecSuptKWatts pic.twitter.com/SsyQdFcEsS
— Liberty Avenue MS (19K662) (@LibertyAveMS) February 18, 2022
This is not education, it’s brainwashing, and it is coming. to your child’s classroom if it isn’t there already.